Photo by Brett Jordan, Unsplash
Understanding your employees’ mindset, particularly now that many people are working remotely, is critical to remaining connected and being sure everyone is contributing their utmost. With the press of business, however, and now when we don’t have downtime in person or the ability to strike up impromptu conversations in the office, it gets difficult to find the time to check in. Making it a priority to ask these questions is a great way to foster professional development and to gain insight about your team members.
How are you acclimating to this new work environment?
Now that we’re working remotely, what motivates you?
What would you change and what would you keep constant?
What would you do if there were no obstacles?
How can I help you?
One of the benefits of these questions is that they can be asked relatively quickly, or they can lead to longer conversations. You can use them in periodic feedback sessions, or can toss one out to your workforce each week for individual responses or as a basis for teams to work together to come up with ideas for your consideration and potential implementation.